
Spacio termal: swimming pools, spas, playgrounds and wood houses, garden




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Dear client/collaborator:

Spacio Termal has more than 30 years of experience in construction, 15 years in design/realization of thermal spas and more than 20 years in spas management, thermal spas, water and sport centres.

We contact you to offer our services in architecture, engineering and consulting in any of our four main specializations, Spaciotermal has the following specialties:

1-Design and construction of swimming pools with skimmers, or perimeter overflowpools overflowing, swimming pools and tropical beach or steel.

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  • Steel Pools.

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  • Swimming pools on the beach or tropical pools.
  • After the completion of our pool, we always look for the possibility of using it as long as possible, for which we offer the possibility of installing solar collectors, an easy andeconomical to use the sun's heat to heat our pool. With the installation of solar collectors,is to achieve an ideal temperature for your pool and extend the swimming seasonoutdoors beyond the months of July and August (May to September without anyinsulation, and March-April to October using an insulation system, eg blanket, covered with polycarbonate). 
  • Many customers do not have enough to increase the usability of your pool a few months,what they really want is to use every day of the year, for which we offer our decks or pool enclosures.

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2-Design, implementation and management of resorts and spas.

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3-Design and construction of playgrounds and water parksball parks, amusement parks, wooden and inflatable water parks.

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4-Design and construction of landscaping and gardening projects. Our mission is todesign and create gardens and large green areas, developing natural areas with a strong innovative and perfectly integrated into the landscape.


For all the foregoing, we are at your disposal for any question it deems necessary, and if you want you can call me   +34639124667 spaciotermal@spaciotermal.com

Best regards and I look forward to hearing

Jorge Luis Martinez Saura

   +34 639-124667  

   Doctor Ingeniero 



In compliance with the Law 34/2002 of Information and Electronic Commerce and the Organic Law for the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) 15/1999 as well as its Regulations of Development approved by the Royal Decree 1720/2007, the 21 of December (RLOPD), we communicate you that your e-mail address is a part of a database of SPACIO TERMAL S.L. with the only aim to maintain professional and/or commercial relations if you are a client o if you have asked any commercial information at one time or another or if you authorized that your data appear in our commercial card index

Spacio Termal, POOLS, 


Spacio Termal has more than 30 years of experience in construction, 15 years in design/realization of thermal spas and more than 20 years in spas management, thermal spas, water and sport centres

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SPACIO TERMAL,  spaciotermal@spaciotermal.com

